Wednesday, October 24, 2012

New ideaaas!

Hi again :)

I just came up with some few new ideas for our diary, that I think will make it more interesting and a bit different from just being a normal diary. For those who wish they can make their diary open for other people, and it is completely up to them if they want everyone to be able to see it, or just their family or friends. Me, myself thinks it is very interesting to watch different peoples diaries and blogs, and read about their life, about different cultures and get inspiration! And I defenetely dont think im the only one:)

Another thing I came up with is to create diary-books, where people can order it throug our program. They will be able to get their whole diary out in form of a book, with their own design and layout, depending on how they want it to look like. This is a great thing to have and good memories. we will also provide wedding, birthsday, vacacion etc. diaries, it means that people can create their own diary books of special occacions or time periods, like for example the time before a wedding with all the planning and then the actual wedding day.

Updated! Venture risks


 - We still working on finding more information about our potential market

Hello Blog!

This Wednesday morning I have been reading the comments that have been left on our blog, and I have to say that they are very useful! Some of the things/problems its hard to realize yourself.. So I have changed a bit in some of the posts. Today I even started to write about Rogers 5 factors, and will continue with the leaps of faith and venture risks.
I've been thinking over and over again about the small details that still needs to be filled in the blog and that we are not completely shure yet how we want them, even to come up with some new funny ideas for our program, something to make it more special and different from the other programs and pages. I have some few thought, and will discuss them will the rest of the group later, so let's see:)


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Rogers 5 factors

What is Rogers 5 factors?
In this post we are gonna explain a bit about 5 different factors that explains our idea better, based on advantages, where it will be available, how simple we are gonna make it, the payment question and last how we are gonna make it visible for others.

Relative Advantage:
One of few diaries in Spain based on technology, with everything in the same place, personalized and simple/easy to understand and use.

Compatability: Our ide will be used in today's technology, it can be everything from computers, laptops, smartphones to tables. It is not closed to only one brand or system.

Simplicity: From the beginning we wanted to make our diary as easy as possible to use, but without making it look boring. Our segment market are not computer or tecnknology experts, thats why it will be simple for everyone to understand, and it will continue this way. There will be good but simple explanacions of the use, a question site with all the common questions that people might ask or want to know, and we will even have a ''help support'', where people just can write a simple e-mail if they have any problems or questions, and we will answer it as soon as possible. The last thing we want to do is make it hard to use, or confusing.

The basic thing, to have an own diary, to be able to write, post pictures, videos and files and to create your own lay out will be completely for free, and we have no plans for the future to make our members pay for that. We are gonna have some other things like for example to get your diary printed out and send to your home, a wedding, birthsday or konfirmation diary/history can also be created in any sort of book, material and layout that you wish. These ''extra'' things that we offer are services that we will charge for.

Observability: Our marketing strategy will in the beginning be based on word of mouth, to see and find out what people think, if they like using it etc before we invest more money on advertising. In the future it is possible to advertise throug internet on different internetpages and google.


Monday, October 22, 2012

Updated! Analogs, Antilogs and Leaps of faith Questions


This is other similar companys that have done very good on the market, and that we can learn something from and get inspiration.

This is a diary slash blog, but they call in an open diary online. So other people are able to read it as well. It is a diary to share you life and things with others, strangers or friends. They provide an own interactive diary, with unlimited storage and posts. ''Read life, write life''
They even have a helpdesk, where people can leave private notes, and get the help they need.

A diary/journal you can download or buy. It is free for 45 days if you download it, but after that it won't work anymora if you dont buy the prgram for 49,50. They provide good service, in form of security, personality and makes it possible to save photos, videos and files aswell. There are some comments on their principal page that users have left, and they are very positive.

Coding robots/memoires
A Diary site that you can download for freem, but it is only for Mac computers, it does not work in othe maschines. It is only for you, if you dont wish to show it to others. Use of calendar to fins specific days. The users can also ''draw'' in the diary. It has a nice and clean lay out, a little boring, and not that personal, but it fits the Mac image.

Facebook is not exacly the same as MyLigeDiary, and it doesnt have the concept of being a diary, but it hase something similar. It allows you to put as much pictures and videos as you want to on youre profile page, and you can choose for everyone to see it, only youre friends or you. It is (as everyone are aware of) realy succesfull, and that is why we see it as an analog, without any doubts!


This is othe similar companys that have not gotten that succesfull as the others.

Thos is a webside that provides you to write your own diary online, it is not a compuer program, only available on internet. There is nothing ''extra'' about this side, it has only one lay out, you do not have that many options. The diaries are not only for you, orher people can read and see what you have posted. It reminds more of a blog. ''Manage your life''


Leaps of faith Questions (Updated)

This is the part where we write the unsecure questions that we have, the questions that we do not have an aswer to yet.

  • Does our target market really need it?
  • Will our target use the software continuously/ Do they will update it frequently? 
  • Will they pay for the extra content we offer? (Paper version)
  • Will big Computer, Internet and Social Media Companies be interested in the diary and will they help us on the development of it?
/Dalia /Pep

Actors, Needs, Solucions, Context of use - Summary

  • The company itself, us! Organizing, creating and developing the programe, and giving solucions to our segment market. We are going to create the software by our own, instead of partnership with a company.
  • Costumers, that are going to use the program as if it was a normal diary. We need to reach our segment market in the best possible way, and be able to show them and make them understand the unique thing with what we are creating. It is important to that they understand our point, so we have to make that clear. It is also important that our users will continue usinng the program, and do not get ''bored'' after some time..
  • The fear of loosing all youre photos and videos, here you will have them all in one place, and be able to open and watch them any time. You do not have to carry around an USB either.. Which by the way is also realy easy to loose or forget somewhere..
  • Self-satisfaction, you can keeps youre memories alive, and go back ''in time'' and think of all the special times and what you wrote.. You can even get made books, just as you want them, of youre whole diary or special occacions or time.
  • Creativity, you can even be realy creative here if you want. People that liked creativity and creatin their own personal style etc. can make their diary realy personal with their own unique layout/form/texture etc.. And also books that they can get send home, created by them self.
  • MyLifeDiary provide a simple-using technology that is available on laptops, other computers, phones or ipad, which makes it so much easier to use. It is extremely user-friendly and personalized the way you like it, a personal diary that is unique.
  • Our goal with this idea is to make as much people use our program, and to get them to see the unique and creative sites of it, and at least of course enjoy it and have a big use of it!
  • Investment requiered, medium or low..
Context of use:

Our user profil can be seen as spanish people in different ages (because it is not that much about the age in this cas) that likes creativity, fun, design and feel the need to hang on to the good memories. It can be people from 17 even up to 30 or more. As we said, here it is about the persons personality, needs and interest.

For people who:
  • Wants to write a diary, but wants to try another version and in a different way
  • Want to keep all the memories from his/her everyday life or special moments just for himself
  • Wants to be able so save all their fotos and videos and writing in the exakt same place
  • Are afraid of loosing all thir valuable pictures and videos
  • Are busy because of work etc and doesnt have the time or opportunity to hang on to their book-diary all the time
  • That likes technology, as do not use books that much
  • Likes creativity, and wants to create their own diary in a personal way
  • Wants to keep all the memories to themself, and be able to look back at it anytime.
  • Wants a blog and diary at the same time.
  • Wants to share their personal life with others
  • Likes to watch other blogs/diarys, get inspiration etc
  • Wants something more than just a diary, but at the same time have acces to othe possible thing like for example create their own diary in ''bookform''.


''Elevator pitch''

  • Problem - Who has it?
    -People that would like to write a diary every day, to be able to look back one day on different chapters in their life, but doesnt have the time, avaibility etc. It could be peope that works a lot, travels or are realy busy in other kind of things, and mmaybe dont have the space to carry on a book every where they go.
    -People that has a lot of pictures/videos on their computer, camera or phone and do not realy know where to put them to keep them safe in case of emergency. It could be that the computer crashes, loose of camera or the phone..
    -People that ARE writing a diary, but want to be able to put in photos and videos into it, to make it more personal and exiting to look back at.
  • Current solucion - Is anyone doing something so solve the problem?We have been searching for similar solucions to the problem, but have not found something exacly like our solucion. The things that exist on today's market are pages that offers an online diary, but are not that personalized and simple to use. For example the pages that is called Other solucions are facebook, my space, and other similar pages, but they are not totally personal like our, other people can see youre pictures. USB-stick and similar equipments are other solucions to keep youre pictures, but they are easy to loose and do not work as a diary.
  • Our solucion - How do we do it better?We provide a simple page, that can be used of anyone, anywhere, it doenst matter if you are a computer expert or if you do not have that much experience with technology, you will find it simple to use anyway! That is because we are all about photos, videos and text. In our programe the person can choose if they only want to put up pictures/videos or if they want to write about it as well. It can be used to write memories, quotes, thoughts and so one. You can create youre own lay out, and make it to youre ''personal diary'', just the way you want it and like it. The programe is totally personal, and no one else will have the access to it besides you, and then it is ofcourse up to each person if they want to share it with other family members/friends of course. Another thing that makes us different is that every picture/viedo will be organized by the date when it was taken, and it will create a system, almost like a calendar, so you just can choose a specifik date, and you will come to exacly that page with youre photos and text you have posted that day. We also garantee that no photo/video will get lost, and you  will find eveything exacly how you left it. We can understand that some people, like ourselfes likes the idea of an old traditional diary, because there is nothing more personal and cozy as that! And that is why we are going to make it as similar to that as possible, so that it does not just look like another webpage, or computer programe..

Updated! Business Canvas Model


How did we come up with the idea?

Everyone in our group likes to deal with photos and videos, and one day we were talking about how it realy sucks to loose youre favorite photos, that you maybe never will get back, and youre memories will only become memories. It is so nice to be able to look back at things you have done, with youre friends, family or schoolmates, and even share it and show it to others if you want. Dalia have for example lost all of her photos and videos some time ago, because of her computer that crashed, and now she wont ever get those photos back.

So where do we have our important memories, if not on an USB-stick or posted on facebook? A place that no one else can see it, only you.. No where, right?

On MyLifeDiary you can create it all in one, a diary with not only photos, but youre own kind of book, just as you want it, and you wont be able to loose the things you have there. It is for no one else, just for you!


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Our Idea

Our Idea is simple, simple but useful!

MyLifeDiary is a diary on youre computer, where you are able to write, put photos and videos and create youre own personal diary with a personal lay out, just as you want it. 
It keeps youre memories alive, and you can look back at any day you wish, whenever you want. It can be difficult to always have youre diary book with you, and maybe you dont have the time or possibility to write in it everyday, and it is much more easier to loose.. Our idea helps you keep all youre memoriable memories near you, wherever you go..
The idea is also to create other services in our program for people who wish that. These are for example to get a book made of your diary, the whole entire or just some parts of it. It could be youre diary during the time before your wedding and the weddingday, or a birthsday, a trip, a konfirmation or other special moments that you would like to have a beautiful memory of. These book will be made carefully in any material and layout that you wish, and you are able to design it yourself.
The diary posts and pictures that you post are only for you as we said earlier, but it will be possible to share it with others! It is completely up to you if you want to have a sort of ''open diary'' so that other people can follow you or only for youre family or friends.

Who are we

We are a group of 4 people from La Salle Ramon Llull in Barcelona, studying entreprenurship and venture capital. We are doing our own idea, a product called MyLifeDiary, which we are going to tell you all about in the next couple posts!

The group

Dalia Hissan
Dalia is a girl that lives in Sweden, and has only been living here in Barcelona for 2 months. She came here to study an exchange program for 6 months in La Salle, Business marketing. At home in Sweden she is right now studying tourism development, which is her mane interest and the market for her future. Her whole life she has been travelling a lot and lived in 5 different countries and speaks 6 languages, which is the reason that she is so fascinated in the tourism branch. She loves to learn new things, meeting new people, new cultures and experiences. Her hobbies are languages, cooking, travelling, sports and music. In the future she sees herself somewhere in the world working with tourism, a work that gives her oportunities to new experiences and variation, and of course travelling, because you can never learn enougt about the world:)

Sasha Sanchez. 21. Málaga, Spain
Pep Blanchart. 20. Granollers, Catalonia
Artur Masiques. 26. Cabrils, Catalonia

Welcome to our blog!

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to our first post in this blog. It will be one of many, and we hope you will enjoy it as much as we did making it:)

Here we are going to post everything that is going on in the process of developing our Entreprenurship idea, and we will explain everything about what we are doing and what we are all about. 
