Monday, October 22, 2012

''Elevator pitch''

  • Problem - Who has it?
    -People that would like to write a diary every day, to be able to look back one day on different chapters in their life, but doesnt have the time, avaibility etc. It could be peope that works a lot, travels or are realy busy in other kind of things, and mmaybe dont have the space to carry on a book every where they go.
    -People that has a lot of pictures/videos on their computer, camera or phone and do not realy know where to put them to keep them safe in case of emergency. It could be that the computer crashes, loose of camera or the phone..
    -People that ARE writing a diary, but want to be able to put in photos and videos into it, to make it more personal and exiting to look back at.
  • Current solucion - Is anyone doing something so solve the problem?We have been searching for similar solucions to the problem, but have not found something exacly like our solucion. The things that exist on today's market are pages that offers an online diary, but are not that personalized and simple to use. For example the pages that is called Other solucions are facebook, my space, and other similar pages, but they are not totally personal like our, other people can see youre pictures. USB-stick and similar equipments are other solucions to keep youre pictures, but they are easy to loose and do not work as a diary.
  • Our solucion - How do we do it better?We provide a simple page, that can be used of anyone, anywhere, it doenst matter if you are a computer expert or if you do not have that much experience with technology, you will find it simple to use anyway! That is because we are all about photos, videos and text. In our programe the person can choose if they only want to put up pictures/videos or if they want to write about it as well. It can be used to write memories, quotes, thoughts and so one. You can create youre own lay out, and make it to youre ''personal diary'', just the way you want it and like it. The programe is totally personal, and no one else will have the access to it besides you, and then it is ofcourse up to each person if they want to share it with other family members/friends of course. Another thing that makes us different is that every picture/viedo will be organized by the date when it was taken, and it will create a system, almost like a calendar, so you just can choose a specifik date, and you will come to exacly that page with youre photos and text you have posted that day. We also garantee that no photo/video will get lost, and you  will find eveything exacly how you left it. We can understand that some people, like ourselfes likes the idea of an old traditional diary, because there is nothing more personal and cozy as that! And that is why we are going to make it as similar to that as possible, so that it does not just look like another webpage, or computer programe..

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